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Monday, March 2, 2009

WLAN Quick Guide, "WLAN Quick Guide"
Javvin Press | 2008-01-15 | ISBN: 1602670080 | 6 pages | CHM | 1,1 MB

WLAN/Wi-Fi technology quick guide covers all major WLAN/Wi-Fi technologies: Wi-Fi architecture, protocols and standards, worldwide frequency bands and channels, security problems and solutions. In this quick guide, a table and chart is included to compare the main characters of Wi-Fi with other wireless technologies. Also, a WLAN/Wi-Fi glossary and dictonary is included for your quick reference.

A comprehensive WLAN/Wi-Fi technology guide for network and IT professionals.
An easy to use training reference for wireless technology students and professionals to get an overall picture of the Wi-Fi / WLAN technologies.
Graphic illustration of WLAN network architectures and Wi-Fi protocol stacks.
Detailed information for 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n, such as, key features, bands and channels, data rates, etc.
Wi-Fi standards, security problems and solutions.
Comparison of WLAN with other wireless technologies such as WMAM (WiMax), WPAN (Bluetooth, UWB, WiMedia).
Comprehensive wireless LAN and Wi-Fi glossary and dictionary.
Authored and designed by experts with decades of experience in wireless, data and tele- communication industries.
Thanks, RS Mirror:


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