This is the book I wish I had when I was starting out with ASP.NET. Now, if you’d be so kind as to hop into a time machine, go back five years, and give me a copy, I’d be eternally grateful.
What’s that? Time machines haven’t been invented yet? Drat. I guess we’re stuck in the here and now.
Many ASP.NET books try to be complete, exhaustive references. They’re dense, fat books with an inflated sense of self-importance—books that take up lots of room on your bookshelf. But who actually reads these giant tomes of universal knowledge? Even if you could read one cover to cover, would it really be complete or exhaustive? The .NET framework is vast. As much as I’ve learned, I still discover new features of ASP.NET and the .NET Framework on a daily basis. And the platform itself is still actively evolving and growing. .NET 3.0 is already here, and .NET 3.5 is on the horizon.
This book is different from the rest. It doesn’t pretend to be a complete reference. It won’t waste your time with hundreds of pages on every obscure feature of ASP.NET. And it won’t insult your intelligence by suggesting that it contains every last detail of ASP.NET.
Instead, this book will be your native guide to the ASP.NET jungle. As its authors, we’ll share with you our cumulative experience in building ASP.NET sites large and small, commercial and open source, and all flavors in between. We’re seasoned veterans with more than our share of scars, bumps, and bruises. We’ll show you the most practical features, the best approaches, the useful features that are off the beaten path—in short, the stuff that matters. We absolutely, positively promise not to bore you with the same tired old tourist attractions that everyone else gets herded through.
Each chapter of this book is laid out in a problem–solution format. We’ll start with a common problem that an intermediate ASP.NET developer may face, then provide a concise solution to that problem. In some cases, when the topic warrants it, we’ll include a brief discussion of the solution to provide context.
We’ve grouped the chapters of this book to cover major areas of ASP.NET functionality. Inside, you’ll find solutions to the most common challenges that ASP.NET developers face—at least in our experience.
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