Dr. Taz Tally is President of Taz Tally Seminars, a computer publishing, consulting, and training company. He is the author of numerous books — including Photoshop CS2 Before & After Makeovers, Acrobat and PDF Solutions, Avoiding the Output Blues, Avoiding the Scanning Blues (a Doubleday Book Club featured selection), The UMAX MagicScan Manual, and SilverFast: The Official Guide — and he served as a contributing author to The Photoshop World Dream Team Book. He has produced numerous instructional videos, CDs, and DVDs on scanning images, prepress issues, Photoshop, color correction, font man-I agement, and keyboard shortcuts, and was the instructor for the video train-I ing series DeskTop to Print. A frequent presenter at seminars and trade shows throughout the U.S., Taz is also a member of the Photoshop Dream Team — mainstays at the biannual Photoshop World conventions. He is also a frequent contributor to Photoshop User magazine, for which he writes a regular prepress column.
When he is not touring the country presenting his seminars, Taz generally heads off to the outdoors. One of those outdoor places he especially enjoys is his home in glorious Homer, Alaska, where he revels in mountain biking, kayaking and hiking, Nordic skiing, and nature photography with his Cardigan-Welsh-Corgi Zip. Taz has also been sighted skiing the powder snows in Utah, diving with the whales in the waters off of Hawaii, and prowling the terrains of the desert Southwest and Mexico.
Author’s Acknowledgments
A project like the Photoshop CS2 Before & After Makeovers book you hold in your hands is never accomplished by one person alone, so it’s no surprise that I have many people to thank for their critical help. First, I’d like to thank my agent, Matt Wagner of Fresh-Books, who was the spark plug for this project — I have him to thank for bringing me together with the Wiley team. I have come to value Matt’s insights and guidance very much. Matt . . . here’s hoping for many more projects together! Next, I’d like to tell Paul Levesque, the very capable project editor for this title, what a joy he has been to work with. As we put this project together, Paul was not only pleasant and capable, but also a good partner who was willing to work together to meet the various challenges that inevitably arise when tackling any new, from-scratch project . . . thanks, Paul! If this book is easy to read and understand, we can all credit Barry Childs-Helton, the gifted copy editor, who took my often contorted text and reworked it into far more readable and enjoyable prose. I also want to highlight Dave Herman, the tech reviewer, for not only making sure that I was accurate and consistent, but for providing many good content suggestions as well . . . this book is greatly improved from Dave’s additions. I also want to thank the Wiley design team for their initial design work and also their on-the-fly redesigns as this project evolved . . . armfuls of kudos to you! And of course credit for overall project management goes to Bob Woerner, Wiley’s truly gifted acquisitions editor.
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