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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tips And Tricks For AutoCAD 2009

The booklet is a 32 page PDF document (6 MB download) and covers all the new main features found in AutoCAD 2009. Additionally in contains a few nice Bonus’s and Tips that should prove to be more than helpful as people move to AutoCAD 2009 and look to make good use of the new features and tools available.


Wiley AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009 Ebook

TiTLE : AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible (Bible (Wiley))
AUTHOR : Ellen Finkelstein
iSBN : 0470260173 MAKER : Team DDU
PAGES : 1226 Pages PACKAGER : Team DDU
EDiTiON : June 30, 2008 SUPPLiER : Team DDU
RLS DATE : 11/15/08 SiZE : 48.9 MB

[Product Information]

Even Autodesk developers keep this book on hand!
Eight previous editions of fans ranging from novices to
Autodesk insiders can't be wrong. This bestselling, comprehensive
guide is your best, one-stop, go-to guide for everything you'll
need to master AutoCAD. Whether you're an AutoCAD veteran exploring
what's new or a novice seeking to start with the basics and
progress to advanced programming, every feature is covered. Start
drawing today with the one book you need to succeed with AutoCAD
--Start drawing right away with the Quick Start project
--Draw, view, and edit in 2D, then add text and dimensions
--Reference other drawings and link data to objects
--Build, view, and present complex 3D drawings
--Customize commands, create shortcuts, and use scripts and
--Program AutoCAD using AutoLISP and VBA
What's on the DVD?
--Trial versions of AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009
--Over 300 before-and-after drawings from working AutoCAD
--A selection of helpful add-on programs
--The entire book in searchable PDF
System Requirements: Please see the DVD appendix for details
and system requirements.

[Install Information]

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Friday, December 26, 2008


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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Beginning Java™ ME Platform

Beginning Java™ ME Platform
Description: Have you thought about building games for your cell phone or other wireless devices? Whether you are a first–time wireless Java developer or an experienced professional, Beginning Java™ ME Platform brings exciting wireless and mobile Java application development right to your door and device!
Beginning Java™ ME Platform empowers you with the flexibility and power to start building Java applications for your Java–enabled mobile device or cell phone. The book covers sound HTTPS support, user interface API enhancements, the Mobile Media API, the Game API, 3D graphics, Bluetooth, and more.
Further, this book is easy to read and includes many practical, hands–on, and ready–to–use code examples.
What you’ll learn
Discover the various aspects of Java ME, including J2ME and CDC, with special attention paid to the up–and–coming JSRs that will be integrated with future Java ME releases, such as MJSP (JSR248 and JSR249).
Solidify your understanding of the Java platform and which parts of the platform are in various JSRs to help you select the appropriate market–supported platforms on which to deploy and port your applications
Explore the full life cycle of Java ME application development, from design to application obfuscation to signing for carrier validation and release.
Create multimedia and game applications from scratch using the Mobile Media API, Game API, and other APIs most suited for mobile Java–enabled devices and cell phones.
Work with the latest tools, including NetBeans 5.5 and the NetBeans Mobility Pack.

D0wn10ad - (6 Mb)

The Logic of Sense

Written in an innovative form and witty style, The Logic of Sense is an essay in literary and psychoanalytic theory as well as philosophy, and helps to illuminate such works as Anti-Oedipus.

Considered one of the most important works of one of France's foremost philosophers, and long-awaited in English, The Logic of Sense begins with an extended exegesis of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Considering stoicism, language, games, sexuality, schizophrenia, and literature, Deleuze determines the status of meaning and meaninglessness, and seeks the 'place' where sense and nonsense collide.

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Muscle Explosion! 28 Days To Maximum Mass

The next time you go to the gym, after reading everything that I’ve told you about here today, will you be absolutely certain that the training program you are doing is going to give you a 100% return on the hard work and effort you’re putting in? That it’s going to attack all FIVE of the “Genetics Shatterers” I talked about and set the stage for MASSIVE muscle growth?
* You’re ALREADY training hard…if given the opportunity, would you gladly squeeze more results out of every single rep you do in your very next workout without any more effort than you’re putting in right now?

* Do you want the next 28 days to be the MOST PRODUCTIVE of your ENTIRE TRAINING CAREER?
You owe it to yourself to get this information as quickly as possible and put it to work immediately. You could be wasting precious time and energy working with programs that are getting you nowhere.

Wireless Personal Area Networks: Performance, Interconnection, and Security with IEEE 802.15.4

Wireless personal area networks and wireless sensor networks are rapidly gaining popularity, and the IEEE 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Working Group has defined no less than three different standards so as to cater to the requirements of different applications. One of them is the low data rate WPAN known as 802.15.4, which covers a broad range of applications that demand low power, low complexity scenarios typically encountered in home automation, sensor networks, logistics, and other similar applications. The initial standard, adopted in 2003, has enjoyed wide industry support and was even adopted by the ZigBee Alliance as the foundation for the ZigBee specification. In time, and partly because of the requirements of the ZigBee specification, a revised 802.15.4 standard was adopted in September 2006.

While industry support has been quite warm, researchers were slower to follow, and in-depth analyses of the operation and performance of 802.15.4-compliant networks were rather scarce. Reports on the operation of single-cluster 802.15.4 networks became more common only in 2006, while those pertaining to the operation of multi-cluster networks are still counted in single-digit numbers as of the time of this writing; security of 802.15.4 WPANs has also received little attention so far. The aim of this book is to fill this gap by providing sufficient insight into some of the most important aspects of wireless personal area networks with 802.15.4 – their performance, interconnections, and security – which has been our main research focus since 2004, in a single, coherent and informative volume. The book focuses on the MAC layer, where many variables exist that critically affect performance; it does not describe all the details of 802.15.4 technology (the official standard should be used to that effect), various application scenarios of 802.15.4 networks (other books deal with those topics), or the issues related to 802.15.4 communications at the physical layer (which are extensively covered by the research community). Furthermore, it relies on analytical techniques, rather than simulation, whenever possible, since we believe that rigorous mathematical techniques, in particular the tools of queueing theory, provide the best foundation for performance evaluation tasks.

Improve Your Memory

Provides the reader with the essential principles of memory to help them increase their ability to retain what they read, perform better on tests, or just remember where you they last put their car keys. For high school students, college students, and anyone seeking to improve his or her memory power. This revised and updated edition helps the reader understand the different kinds of memory and presents the latest techniques and the proven formulas that can boost their memory power.

Writing a CV That Works

Paul McGee “Writing a CV That Works"
How to Books | 2002-12 | ISBN: 1857033655 | 128 pages | HTML | 1,55 MB

Functional Design Errors in Digital Circuits: Diagnosis Correction and Repair

Functional Design Errors in Digital Circuits Diagnosis covers a wide spectrum of innovative methods to automate the debugging process throughout the design flow: from Register-Transfer Level (RTL) all the way to the silicon die. In particular, this book describes: (1) techniques for bug trace minimization that simplify debugging; (2) an RTL error diagnosis method that identifies the root cause of errors directly; (3) a counterexample-guided error-repair framework to automatically fix errors in gate-level and RTL designs; (4) a symmetry-based rewiring technology for fixing electrical errors; (5) an incremental verification system for physical synthesis; and (6) an integrated framework for post-silicon debugging and layout repair. The solutions provided in this book can greatly reduce debugging effort, enhance design quality, and ultimately enable the design and manufacture of more reliable electronic devices.

Mastering Public Speaking: How to Prepare and Deliver a Successful Speech or Presentation

Anne Nicholls “Mastering Public Speaking: How to Prepare and Deliver a Successful Speech or Presentation"
Trans-Atlantic Pubns | 1999-05 | ISBN: 1857035410 | 166 pages | HTML | 1,65 MB rara

The Easy Step by Step Guide to Writing Advertising Copy

Copywriting easy isn't it? Just put a few words together and stick it in the newspaper or send out a letter and wait for the orders to flood in. Well if you want throw money away then that is exactly what you do. But planning and using the right techniques will make your advertisement or letter more effective and get you results. This guide looks at: * how to write copy for advertisements * brochures * flyers * direct mail.

The Easy Step by Step Guide to Writing Newsletters and Articles

What makes a successful newsletter? How do you structure an article that people want to read? How do you secure a commission from a magazine? This guide will show you: * how to open articles * how to make them flow and use good closing paragraphs * how to use case studies * where to find experts and how to interview them * how to write the article up * how to approach magazines to secure a commission * how to design and layout newsletters. Suitable reading for anyone wishing to enter the freelance writing field as well as those working within organisations who need to produce newsletters and articles

Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy

Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy
Bart A. Baggett | Empresse Pub. | ISBN : 1882929022 | PDF | 448 pages | 6 MB

Discover the Secrets to Being Rich and Happy! Happiness is a decision. Wealth is a choice. 23 chapters of of research, stories, and analysis of how you can implement the strategies to become more rich and more happy. Much more than we can every type here

*25 Universal Truths
*How to change your belief systems relating to money
*Change your rules for being happy.
*The trick to building assets and residual income.
*Why you might not want to be self-employed and how to save $ on your taxes.
*Lots of handwriting samples of rich and happy people (Oprah, John Gleen, Michael J. Fox, George W. Bush, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Helen Hunt, Drew Carey)
*Entire chapter on Health Habits of the World's healthiest people.
*The spiritual laws of success
*Finanical strategies you can use to day with no extra income
*Whymost people never get rich.
*How to control your emotional state at any time.
*Develop instant rapport using body language.
*Sooooo much more.



Catering Management, 3rd Edition

Catering Management, Third Edition gives detailed advice on all the crucial business aspects of both on-premis and off-premise catering.

This Third Edition features special new material on non-hotel catering operations, such as small business management and running your own catering operation. It presents fresh information on menu design and pricing, complete with illustrative menu examples and tips for using software tools to create enticing menus.

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E-S mirror

Windows NT Server 4 Unleashed, Second Edition

Windows NT Server 4 Unleashed, 2/e provides the fastest path to vital information.
Windows NT Server 4 Unleashed provides efficient reference-based solutions for today's most advanced administration problems
Primary focus is on latest advancements in NT-Clustering, Transaction Server, and Message Que Server as well as coverage on new security features and domain models
Get the total picture: remote access, networking, control, multi-protocol routing, TCP/IP, RRAS, PPTP, and more!
Written by Jason Garms, Windows NT Server Security, Product Manager for Microsoft

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Essential Software Testing: A Use-Case Approach

Much has been written about the difficulty of software testing. Often these laments are accompanied by cautionary words about how careful one has to be to ensure testing is done properly. However, there is a dearth of resources that give practical guidance on the nuts and bolts of testing. Essential Software Testing: A Use-Case Approach describes testing methods and techniques in a common sense manner that is easy to understand, helping readers to quickly and effectively implement project-specific testing solutions.

Divided into three parts, the book first discusses ways to make testing agile, providing insight into how testing can be done efficiently in different process environments. Next, the book supplies an overview of testing concepts. Lastly, it demonstrates how to perform the actual test, detailing specific testing activities that can be used on almost any project, with specific attention given to use-case driven testing. It describes how to test using Use Cases regardless of the specific requirements of the project.

The author weaves helpful war stories throughout the text, placing the concepts in a concrete framework. This guide gives software testers a firm grasp of all testing fundamentals: how to determine what to test and how to test it, how to select proper tests to match the plan, techniques to build and trace tests, and finally, how to conduct and record tests.

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Writing for Journalists

Writing for Journalists is about the craft of journalistic writing: how to put one word after another so that the reader gets the message or the joke, goes on reading and comes back for more. It introduces the reader to the essentials of good writing, making use of many examples of previously published work and critically analyzing stories and reviews from daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, periodicals and specialist trade journals. Whether students, trainees or professionals, this handy guide is perfect for anyone who writes for newspapers and periodicals.

RS Mirror:

Practical Vocabulary By Learning Express Editors

Practical Vocabulary was specially designed for students and busy adults who need to improve basic vocabulary skills quickly to move ahead at work and in the classroom. Through a self-contained program of 20 lessons that take just 20 minutes a day to complete, this book provides an easy route to vocabulary mastery. There are hundreds of practical vocabulary tips and easy to implement steps to success, plus real world examples that build real world skills.

RS Mirror:

Airport Planning & Management, 5th Edition

This meticulously researched text by a noted aviation management expert is so definitive that it is used as a course book in the American Association of Airport Executives' accredidation program. Now completely updated, it features coverage of the latest industry statistics, trends, and legislation. Also new in this revision: expanded material on deregulation and passenger facility charges, coverage of technological developments such as navaids and procedures, and discussions of changes in such airport operations as security, noise monitoring, and runway maintenance.

Download Link :

Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects, Volume 1: The Essentials, 2nd Edition (REPOST)

Trish Meyer, Chris Meyer, "Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects, Volume 1: The Essentials, 2nd Edition"
CMP Books | ISBN 1578201144 | September 2002 | PDF | 417 pages | 20.2 MB

Master all the core concepts needed to use After Effects 5.5 on a daily basis, including transformations, keyframing animation, editing layers, masking, track mattes, stencils, nesting, precomposing, transfer modes, effects, adjustment layers, and rendering, plus the major new features Parenting, 3D Layers, Cameras, and Lights. In addition to the new topics, owners of the first edition of CMG will benefit from the updated coverage of such key features as transfer modes, masking, and collapsing transformations. Beginners and students will enjoy the new first chapter, which takes them on a tour through After Effects in the form of creating a mythical television show opening title sequence. The CD includes free plug-ins and keyframe assistants from Boris FX, Walker Effects, Digital Film Tools, The Foundry, Digital Anarchy, and DigiEffects plus inspirational footage from Artbeats, Digital Vision, and EyeWire to experiment with.

Beginning C# 2008 Objects: From Concept to Code (1 PDF file)

Updated with the latest changes to C#, Beginning C# 2008 Objects: From Concepts to Code introduces complete beginners to C# coding practice with a solid methodological foundation written by two critically–acclaimed experts in the field, already authors of the best–selling Beginning C# Objects.

By building from first principles in object–oriented terminology, then advancing through application design with UML into practical examples, Beginning C# 2008 Objects: From Concepts to Code provides a completely up–to–date foundational guide written from the perspective of two experienced, working authorities on C#.

Working coders will benefit from the object–oriented cast of the book and its section on use–case modeling. This is the book to read if you want to deepen and advance your existing professional development in C# with an eye towards advancing out of pure coding work.

For the reader wishing to “simply learn C#”, this book will provide exactly that. In addition to listing code and syntax, Beginning C# 2008 Objects: From Concepts to Code also walks you through the design and architecting of a functioning C# application, showing the “why” and the “how” of the development decisions that go into professional C# coding.

About the Apress Beginning Series

The Beginning series from Apress is the right choice to get the information you need to land that crucial entry–level job. These books will teach you a standard and important technology from the ground up because they are explicitly designed to take you from “novice to professional.” You’ll start your journey by seeing what you need to know—but without needless theory and filler. You’ll build your skill set by learning how to put together real–world projects step by step. So whether your goal is your next career challenge or a new learning opportunity, the Beginning series from Apress will take you there—it is your trusted guide through unfamiliar territory!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Handbook of Granular Computing

Although the notion is a relatively recent one, the notions and principles of Granular Computing (GrC) have appeared in a different guise in many related fields including granularity in Artificial Intelligence, interval computing, cluster analysis, quotient space theory and many others. Recent years have witnessed a renewed and expanding interest in the topic as it begins to play a key role in bioinformatics, e-commerce, machine learning, security, data mining and wireless mobile computing when it comes to the issues of effectiveness, robustness and uncertainty.

The Handbook of Granular Computing offers a comprehensive reference source for the granular computing community, edited by and with contributions from leading experts in the field.

* Includes chapters covering the foundations of granular computing, interval analysis and fuzzy set theory; hybrid methods and models of granular computing; and applications and case studies.
* Divided into 5 sections: Preliminaries, Fundamentals, Methodology and Algorithms, Development of Hybrid Models and Applications and Case Studies.
* Presents the flow of ideas in a systematic, well-organized manner, starting with the concepts and motivation and proceeding to detailed design that materializes in specific algorithms, applications and case studies.
* Provides the reader with a self-contained reference that includes all pre-requisite knowledge, augmented with step-by-step explanations of more advanced concepts.

The Handbook of Granular Computing represents a significant and valuable contribution to the literature and will appeal to a broad audience including researchers, students and practitioners in the fields of Computational Intelligence, pattern recognition, fuzzy sets and neural networks, system modelling, operations research and bioinformatics.


Smart Computing January 2009


Smart Computing is a monthly computing and technology magazine published by Sandhills Publishing Company in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. It was formerly known as PC Novice, and the first issue rolled out in 1990

Introducing AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009

Learn the basics of AutoCAD Civil 3D easily and efficiently from the straightforward explanations and realistic exercises in Introducing AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009. In this helpful introductory guide, you will find an overview of key concepts and in-depth, detailed coverage of special topics like lines and arcs, points, surveying, parcels, surfaces, alignments, profiles, corridors, grading, sections, pipes, and project management. If you are a civil engineer or civil engineering student, you will understand how to apply AutoCAD Civil 3D to real-world, professional situations after reading this book.
This hands-on reference and tutorial from two Civil 3D and engineering experts is your gateway to immediate productivity with the leading civil engineering software. The authors' in-depth explanations will have you quickly up to speed on the basics, give you a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of building, and show you how to best use the software in professional, real-world environments.

The book begins with an overview of the Civil 3D interface and all its core tools, styles, and key concepts. From there, it offers detailed discussions and practical tutorials on lines and arcs, points, surveying, parcels, surfaces, alignments, corridors, grading, pipes, project management, and much more. It's your perfect, focused guide for becoming quickly productive with Civil 3D.

-Understand Civil 3D's interface, core features, and key capabilities

-Draw fences, walls, and property lines with the Lines/Curves menu

-Dynamically label components, maintain geometries, and pull project data

-Power through more design iterations in less time and create better site plans

-Design cul-de-sacs, subdivision lots, or boundary segments with Parcels

-Manage Alignments and lay down road centerlines, pond berms, and more

-Collaborate across the project team with helpful Data Shortcuts

-Dig deeper with more than 40 bonus exercises in the Appendix

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Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

When SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) was released to the market in SQL Server 2005, it took the Extract Transform Load (ETL) market by storm. Three years later, SQL Server 2008 has introduced an even more mature rendition of SSIS that is focused on improving the scalability and performance of SQL Server and also serves as a very powerful tool for performing ETL operations, which are central to data warehousing.
With this book, an assembled team of professionals has combined their years of experience and tried-and-true best practices to present you with the tools to take your SSIS skill set to a new level. After a basic review of the fundamental concepts of SSIS, you'll move on to more in-depth topics such as extending the engine, synchronizing systems incrementally, managing the SSIS platform, and more. Plus, helpful examples and real-world case studies demonstrate advanced concepts and techniques. Once you get past the initial learning curve of the 2008 version of SSIS, you'll be amazed by the power, effectiveness, and timesaving ability of SSIS—all of which are aimed at making your life easier.

What you will learn from this book

Ways that you can use the Script task in SSIS

How to load a data warehouse from the ground up

Techniques for scaling SSIS to make it more reliable

Ways to incrementally load and join data

Instructions for using containers to do looping in SSIS

How to expose the SSIS data flow to other programs, such as InfoPath and your own .NET applications

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Professional Linux Kernel Architecture (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

Find an introduction to the architecture, concepts and algorithms of the Linux kernel in Professional Linux Kernel Architecture, a guide to the kernel sources and large number of connections among subsystems. Find an introduction to the relevant structures and functions exported by the kernel to userland, understand the theoretical and conceptual aspects of the Linux kernel and Unix derivatives, and gain a deeper understanding of the kernel. Learn how to reduce the vast amount of information contained in the kernel sources and obtain the skills necessary to understand the kernel sources.
As the Linux kernel constantly evolves, so must your understanding of the central functions of the kernel. Linux expert Wolfgang Mauerer focuses on version 2.6.24 (as well as summarizing changes to versions 2.6.25 and 2.6.26) of the kernel as he walks you through the concepts, underlying structures, and implementation of the Linux kernel. Keeping a close connection with the source code—as well as the components and subsystems of the kernel—this book reviews the VFS layer and discusses virtual filesystems and the Extended filesystem family and examines how the page and buffer cache speed up kernel operations.

You'll take a look at the peculiarities of various architectures supported by the kernel, explore the assorted tools and means of working efficiently with the kernel sources, and investigate the numerous social aspects of kernel development and the Linux kernel community. Ultimately, this insightful book will serve as an indispensable step towards understanding structure and implementation of the Linux kernel.

What you will learn from this book

Various ways of viewing the kernel—as an enhanced machine, a resource manager, and a library

How the kernel handles all time-related requirements, both with low and high resolution

The mechanisms required to ensure proper operation of the kernel on multiprocessor systems

How modules add new functionality to the kernel

How the kernel deals with memory management, page reclaim, and swapping

How the kernel deals with networks and implements TCP/IP

Who this book is for
This book is for system programmers, administrators, developers of Linux-based solutions, and overall Linux enthusiasts. A solid foundation of C programming is required.

Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.

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Security Software Development: Assessing and Managing Security Risks

Examining current trends and problems that have plagued application development for more than a decade, this book provides a foundation for security risk assessment and management during software development. It demonstrates how to achieve greater application security through assessing and managing risk throughout the entire software development life cycle using a test case based on the author’s personal experience in software development. The book covers methods used to assess risk, discussing the pros and cons of each method. Readers are then guided through each step of the process. The book concludes with discussions of how to sustain a risk assessment and risk management process within an organization.


Why IPTV: Interactivity, Technologies, Services (Telecoms Explained)

Find out how modern IPTV technologies will change your experience of television.

Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) is rapidly being deployed as a compliment service to existing distribution technologies.

Why IPTV? traces the changes in Internet Protocol Television since the mid-1990s and examines what IPTV means today. The author analyzes what delivery of TV over an IP network means, both in terms of possibilities for new services, and in terms of the impact on the network and how it has to be managed. In addition, Why IPTV? helps you understand how introducing IPTV into the Web 2.0 world will impact the new services. It looks at the current trends in the consumer electronics industry as well as the network industry, and describes how the new technology can enhance and extend the existing business models in the TV industry, particularly in advertising; and also how it creates new possibilities, for instance, through personalization.


Wireless Internet Security : Architecture and Protocols

In describing tools for internet security, this title focuses on understanding the system architecture of existing security and on developing architectural changes for new security services. Topics include security threats in wireless networks, security services for countering those threats, and the process of defining functional architecture for network systems. Kempf also discusses examples of wireless Internet security systems such as wireless network access control, local IP subnet configuration and address resolution, and location privacy. Each chapter describes the basic network architecture and protocols for the system under consideration, security threats, functional architecture, and the important internet protocols that implement the architecture. This is an ideal resource for graduate students of electrical engineering and computer science, as well as for engineers and system architects in the wireless network industry.


Host Identity Protocol (HIP): Towards the Secure Mobile Internet (Wiley Series on Communications Networking & Distributed Systems)

“Within the set of many identifier-locator separation designs for the Internet, HIP has progressed further than anything else we have so far. It is time to see what HIP can do in larger scale in the real world. In order to make that happen, the world needs a HIP book, and now we have it.” - Jari Arkko, Internet Area Director, IETF

One of the challenges facing the current Internet architecture is the incorporation of mobile and multi-homed terminals (hosts), and an overall lack of protection against Denial-of-Service attacks and identity spoofing. The Host Identity Protocol (HIP) is being developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an integrated solution to these problems. The book presents a well-structured, readable and compact overview of the core protocol with relevant extensions to the Internet architecture and infrastructure. The covered topics include the Bound End-to-End Tunnel Mode for IPsec, Overlay Routable Cryptographic Hash Identifiers, extensions to the Domain Name System, IPv4 and IPv6 interoperability, integration with SIP, and support for legacy applications.


Multimedia Broadcasting and Multicasting in Mobile Networks

Introducing mobile multimedia – the technologies, digital rights management and everything else you need to know for delivering cost efficient multimedia to mobile terminals

Efficiency and cost effectiveness within multimedia delivery is fast becoming a hot topic in wireless communications, with mobile operators competing to offer inexpensive, reliable services. The selection of an appropriate technology and matching it with the offered mix of services will be essential to achieve the market success.

Multimedia Broadcasting and Multicasting in Mobile Networks discusses multimedia services, introducing the potentials and limitations of the multicasting and broadcasting technologies. The authors address the key points related to the deployment of the technology including digital rights management issues, particularly important in terms of the large, business scale deployment of multimedia services and business models. The book discusses the early trials and deployment of Internet Protocol Datacasting (IPDC) and Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS) and offers an introduction to multicasting in wireless cellular networks.


High-Speed Wireless Communications: Ultra-wideband, 3G Long Term Evolution, and 4G Mobile Systems

Jiangzhou Wang "High-Speed Wireless Communications: Ultra-wideband, 3G Long Term Evolution, and 4G Mobile Systems"
Cambridge University Press | 2008-11-10 | ISBN: 0521881536 | 336 pages | PDF | 5,7 MB

Analyzing and designing reliable and fast wireless networks requires an understanding of the theory supporting these systems and the engineering complexities of their implementation. This volume describes the underlying principles and major applications of high-speed wireless technologies, with emphasis on ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless systems, 3G long term evolution, and 4G mobile networks. Key topics such as cross-layer optimization are discussed in detail and various forms of UWB are covered. Recent research developments are described before identifying the scope and direction for future research. Covering the latest technologies in the area, this book will be a valuable resource for graduate students of electrical and computer engineering as well as practitioners in the wireless communications industry.

Voice and Audio Compression for Wireless Communications

Voice communications remains the most important facet of mobile radio services, which may be delivered over conventional fixed links, the Internet or wireless channels. This all-encompassing volume reports on the entire 50-year history of voice compression, on recent audio compression techniques and the protection as well as transmission of these signals in hostile wireless propagation environments.

Audio and Voice Compression for Wireless and Wireline Communications, Second Edition is divided into four parts with Part I covering the basics, while Part II outlines the design of analysis-by-synthesis coding, including a 100-page chapter on virtually all existing standardised speech codecs. The focus of Part III is on wideband and audio coding as well as transmission. Finally, Part IV concludes the book with a range of very low rate encoding techniques, scanning a range of research-oriented topics.

* Fully updated and revised second edition of “Voice Compression and Communications”, expanded to cover Audio features
* Includes two new chapters, on narrowband and wideband AMR coding, and MPEG audio coding
* Addresses the new developments in the field of wideband speech and audio compression
* Covers compression, error resilience and error correction coding, as well as transmission aspects, including cutting-edge turbo transceivers
* Presents both the historic and current view of speech compression and communications.

Covering fundamental concepts in a non-mathematical way before moving to detailed discussions of theoretical principles, future concepts and solutions to various specific wireless voice communication problems, this book will appeal to both advanced readers and those with a background knowledge of signal processing and communications.


Wii For Dummies

Marc Aerts, Geert Molenberghs, Louise M. Ryan, Helena Geys “Wii For Dummies"
For Dummies | 2008-09-29 | ISBN: 0470402970 | 336 pages | PDF | 6,05 MB

Just got a Nintendo Wii game console? Thinking about one? Wii offers video games, exercise tools, the opportunity to create a cool Mii character, and lot of other entertainment options. Wii For Dummies shows you how to get the most from this fun family game system.
This book shows you how to get physical with Wii Sports, turn game time into family time, make exercise fun with Wii Fit, and discover Wii’s hidden talents, like displaying photos and browsing the Web. You’ll learn how to:
Hook up the Wii to your TV, home entertainment setup, or high-speed Internet connection
Get familiar with Wii’s unique controllers and learn to use the Nunchuk, Balance Board, Wheel, and Zapper
Explore the Wii Channels where you can shop for new games, play games online, check the news, and even watch videos
Create Mii avatars you can share, enter in contests, and use in games
Learn to use your whole body as a controller and get fit while you play
Identify the best games for parties, family events, nostalgia buffs, and even non-gamers
Build your skill at Wii tennis, golf, baseball, bowling, and boxing
Use the Wii Message Board and full-featured Web browser
With tips on choosing games, hot Wii Web sites, how to enjoy photos and slideshows on your Wii, and ways to prevent damage to (and from) Wii remotes, Wii For Dummies makes your new high-tech toy more fun than ever.

Quick Recipes on Symbian OS: Mastering C++ Smartphone Development

Michael Aubert " Quick Recipes on Symbian OS: Mastering C++ Smartphone Development"
Wiley | 2008-08-25 | ISBN: 0470997834 | 382 pages | PDF | 1,3 MB

Symbian OS continues to be the top operating system for smartphones across the world, with the number of Symbian OS phones sold now well beyond the 100 million mark. As more and more developers realize the huge opportunities available designing with Symbian OS, one of the first major obstacles they face is the sheer length of time it takes to start producing functional C++ applications for Symbian OS phones. "Quick Recipes on Symbian OS" provides easy-to-use recipes for mastering common development tasks. The book's structured, time-focused approach to becoming familiar with the basics allows readers to get up and running quickly.
From the Author
This book is meant as an entry point into the Symbian OS C++ development ecosystem.
Our goal is to allow you to create a working prototype of your application for Symbian OS withing 2 weeks, using only this book, a computer, an internet connection and a Symbian phone.
Inside, you will find reusable modules implementing the most common tasks developers usually have to labour on, along with enough information for you to understand them and integrate them into your own application.

This book can be used in several ways:
- as a learning exercise.
- to complement a university course.
- as a reference to keep on your desk.

Satellite Communications Systems Engineering: Atmospheric Effects, Satellite Link Design and System Performance

Provides an invaluable, detailed and up-to-date coverage of atmospheric effects and their impact on satellite communications systems design and performance.
Significant progress has been made in the last decade in the understanding and modelling of propagation effects on radio wave propagation in the bands utilized for satellite communications. This book provides a comprehensive description and analysis of all atmospheric effects of concern for today’s satellite systems, and the tools necessary to design the links and to evaluate system performance.
This book will serve as an excellent reference to communications engineers, wireless network and system engineers, system designers and graduate students in satellite communications and related areas.
Key features:
Provides the state of the art in communications satellite link design and performance from the practicing engineer perspective – concise descriptions, specific procedures and comprehensive solutions
Contains the calculations and tools necessary for evaluating system performance
Provides a complete evaluation of atmospheric effects, modelling and prediction
Focuses on the satellite free-space link as the primary element in the design and performance for satellite communications, and recognizes the importance of free-space considerations such as atmospheric effects, frequency of operation and adaptive mitigation techniques

Modelling the Wireless Propagation Channel: A simulation approach with Matlab

A practical tool for propagation channel modeling with MATLAB® simulations.
Many books on wireless propagation channel provide a highly theoretical coverage, which for some interested readers, may be difficult to follow. This book takes a very practical approach by introducing the theory in each chapter first, and then carrying out simulations showing how exactly put the theory into practice. The resulting plots are analyzed and commented for clarity, and conclusions are drawn and explained from the obtained results.
Key features include:
A unique approach to propagation channel modeling with accompanying MATLAB® simulations to demonstrate the theory in practice
Contains step by step commentary and analysis of the obtained simulation results in order to provide a comprehensive and structured learning tool
Covers a wide range of topics including shadowing effects, coverage and interference, Multipath Narrowband channel, Multipath Wideband channel, propagation in micro and pico-cells, the land mobile satellite (LMS) channel, the directional Multipath channel and MIMO and propagation effects in fixed radio links (terrestrial and satellite)
The book comes with an accompanying website that contains the MATLAB® simulations and allows readers to try them out themselves
Well suited for lab-use, as reference and as a self-learning tool both for advanced students and professionals

Modeling the Wireless Propagation Channel: A simulation approach with MATLAB® will be best suited for postgraduate (Masters and PhD) students and practicing engineers in telecommunications and electrical engineering fields, who are seeking to familiarise themselves with the topic without too many formulas. The book will also be of interest to network engineers, system engineers and researchers

Introduction to AutoCAD 2006: 2D and 3D Design by Alf Yarwood

Taking the reader step by step through the features of AutoCAD, Alf Yarwood provides a practical, structured course of work matched to the latest release of this software. Introducing first principles and the creation of 2D technical drawings, the author goes on to demonstrate construction of 3D solid model drawings and rendering of 3D models - in particular, DYN (dynamic input showing coordinate position and lengths - an important new feature of the latest AutoCAD software), and new commands in the Modify and Dimension tool sets are introduced.
Other enhancements found with AutoCAD 2006 are also covered in detail. Worked examples and exercises are included throughout the text, to enable the reader to apply theory into real-world engineering practice, along with revision notes and exercises at the end of chapters for the reader to check their understanding of the material they have covered.

Introduction to AutoCAD 2006 contains hundreds of drawings and screen-shots to illustrate the stages within the design process. Readers can also visit a companion website and make use of a full colour AutoCAD Gallery, where they can modify drawings from the exercises found within the text, and see solutions to all exercises featured in the book. Further exercises in 3D work are also available to download.

Details of enhancements to AutoCAD 2006 over previous releases are given in the text, along with illustration of how AutoCAD fits into the design process as a whole. Appendices with full glossaries of tools and abbreviations, most frequently used set variables, and general computer terms are also included.

Suitable to new users of AutoCAD, or anyone wishing to update their knowledge from previous releases of the software, this book is also applicable to introductory level undergraduate courses and vocational courses in engineering and construction.

* Written for the latest release of the AutoCAD software AutoCAD 2006 by a member of the Autodesk Developer Network
* New in this edition: introduction of DYN; new commands in the Modify and Dimension tool set; new set variables; enhancements in hatching procedures and also dynamic and multi-line text; illustrated throughout with the new 2006 icons used in drop-down menus, and new dialogue boxes
* Accompanying website features a full colour AutoCAD gallery, where students can edit AutoCAD images on screen, work through drawing exercises featured in the book and additional 3D drawing work, and see specimen answers


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Windows NT Workstation 4.0 User Manual

Get the manual that you should have gotten when you purchased Windows NT Workstation! Clear, to-the-point reference title takes you through Windows in an easily understandable way. Learn how to use each of the Windows NT applications with complete coverage of all "user oriented" features. Windows NT Workstation 4 User Manual has a clear "end-user" focus. It doesn't try to cover the vast amount of complex, detailed information that is only of interest to system administrators. Instead, it quickly shows you what each relevant part of Windows NT is, what it does, and how to use it successfully. Windows NT Workstation 4 User Manual also includes information on all updates including IE4, Options Pack, and Service Release 3 (most currently available Windows NT Workstation 4 books have not been updated to include this material).

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Using Visual J++ 6.0

Using Visual J++ 6.0 is a task-based reference that uses clear organization, step-by-step tasks, abundant code samples, and new cross-indexing techniques to teach Visual J++. This book covers all aspects of using Visual J++ to build a wide range of Java applets and applications, ActiveX objects, COM/DCOM objects, and more. The book also covers some of the more advanced features of the Java 1.2 language. Using Visual J++ 6.0 accomplishes these goals by anticipating the needs of the user, providing strong navigation and accessibility to the content. This book provides a powerful price/content value proposition versus other books in the marketplace.

-This thorough and easy-to-use, task-based reference helps inexperienced readers quickly learn Visual J++
-Hands-on practical approach and well-documented code examples ensure that readers understand and learn Java programming techniques
-Strong content and organization, a leading author, new packaging, and 700 pages of material for $29.99 makes Using Visual J++ X an excellent value

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Macs Portable Genius

Macs Portable Genius
368 pages | Wiley (October 6, 2008) | ISBN-10: 0470290528 | PDF | 19 Mb

You’re one of the legions of fans who enjoy the ease and simplicity of the Mac. But some functions still elude you. How do you synch your Mac with other devices? What are the best ways to organize your life and files with your Mac? Can you get more from your Mac hardware or upgrade it? The Portable Genius is here to help. With expert advice and a Mac-savvy attitude, the Macs Portable Genius guides you through getting the most out of your Mac.

From the Introduction:

"Welcome to Macs Portable Genius. This book is like a mini Genius Bar all wrapped up in an easy to use, easy to access, and eminently portable format. In this book you learn how to get more out of your Mac by learning how to access all the really powerful and timesaving features that aren’t obvious at a casual glance. In this book you learn how to avoid your Mac’s more annoying character traits and, in those cases where such behavior can’t be avoided, you learn how to work around it. In this book you learn how to prevent Mac problems from occurring, and just in case your preventative measures are for naught, you learn how to fix many common problems yourself.

This book is for Mac users who know the basics but want to take their Mac education to a higher level. It’s a book for people who want to be more productive, more efficient, more creative, and more self-sufficient (at least as far as their Mac goes, anyway). It’s a book for people who use a Mac every day, but would like to incorporate that Mac into more of their day-to-day activities. It’s a book for people who pooh-pooh the notion that Mac users are a cult, but if someone decided to start an actual Mac cult, they’d join anyway. It’s a book I had a blast writing, so I think it’s a book you’ll enjoy reading."

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Photoshop Creative Magazine Issue 1

Using Visual C++ 6

Using Visual C++ 6
850 pages | Que; 1st edition (July 1998) | ISBN-10: 0789716356 | PDF | 13 Mb

Using Visual C++ takes a straight forward, no-nonsense approach to teaching C++. The book is broken into a number of sections. The first part creates a foundation for the reader. The use of Developer Studio as well as Wizards, editors, and debuggers is covered. The book progress into the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC). MFC is the libraries of pre-build classes that Microsoft provides to make Visual C++ programming much easier. By understanding how to use the classes within MFC, the reader will be able to create nearly any type of program. Unlike many books, Using Visual C++ does not try to be a compendium of all the questions any person may ever have, rather, the book focuses on teaching the reader to use Visual C++ and on providing quick and easy access to answers and information on Visual C++ basics.

Based on market research by Market Decisions Corp., Visual C++ is being used by 73% of the professional developers using C++

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The Focal Easy Guide to Adobe Audition 2.0

Software packages are complex. Shouldn't software books make it easier? Simplify your life with the Focal Easy Guide to Adobe ® Audition ® 2.0! This short, full-color book lives up to its name by paring down the software to its essentials. It covers only the key features and essential workflow to get you up and running in no time. When time is of the essence, less is more

Antony Brown shares his professional insight to ensure you get the most out of all the tools Adobes Audition ® 2.0 offers. All the essential areas are covered: set up, editing, audio restoration, looping content, working with video, mastering, making a CD, and much more. Featured are many workflow tips that show you how to tap into the full power of Adobe ® Audition ® 2.0 when creating your digital audio files. This is an ideal first read for any editor new to Adobe ® Audition ® 2.0.[/quote]

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Designing Web Animation

This is a thorough, fact-filled guide to creating Web animations. The beginning chapters serve as a primer for animation concepts such as cell and flip-book animation and techniques such as onion-skinning. But throughout the rest of the book, animators get advice on creating animated GIFs as well as Java, QuickTime, Shockwave, and server-push (CGI-based) animations. The authors discuss the pros and cons of each type of animation, and provide tips on using animation-creation software. You also get a solid discussion of Web-production issues such as file size and cross-platform compatibility, and of sound and special effects. This is a truly well-rounded approach, and beginning and experienced animators alike can learn much from the book. An included (hybrid) CD has trial versions of Macromedia Director 5 and Authorware, animation-creation utilities, and Shockwave plug-ins.

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Fiber Optic Cabling, Second Edition by Barry Elliott, Mike Gilmore

Fiber Optic Cabling is a practical guide to all aspects of designing, specifying and installing systems for LANs and other data communications applications. The second edition has been completely revised and updated by Barry Elliott, taking into account the major developments in LAN and transmission technology over the past 10 years. The latest legislation is also dealt with, including standards relating to flammability. Cutting edge topics such as photonic switching, wavelength division multiplexing and plastic fiber, and their implications for the future are also explored.
An international perspective of the subject is taken, with the author looking at all the practical implementations for fiber optic cabling, using American, European and International ISO standards.
Essential reading for anyone involved in fiber optic cable applications, from installation engineers to IT professionals.

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