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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This book brings the reader through the transition of ERP, CRM, and Web applications into integrative management tools. It addresses issues companies

This book brings the reader through the transition of ERP, CRM, and Web applications into integrative management tools. It addresses issues companies will encounter as they become global providers of Internet-enabled solutions and explores business opportunities and cost savings. The author outlines why the wider application of off-the-shelf programming products, new answers to supply chain requirements, and the advent of smart materials, must be examined within the perspective of each company's business challenges.

Product Details:
Paperback: 408 pages
Publisher: AUERBACH (May 31, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0849310768
ISBN-13: 978-0849310768

Supply Chain, Enterprise Resource Planning and the Search for Cost Control
Functionality and Cost/Effectiveness of ERP Systems
Why Companies Adopt and Use ERP Software for Supply Chain Management
Implementing Successive Releases of ERP Systems
A Sound Methodology for Enterprise Management: GE's Six Sigma
Organizational Prerequisites for Smart Materials and for Automatic Identification
The Next Frontier in Technology and in Supply Chain Management: Automatic Identification
Advances Underpinning Development and Use of the Electronic Product Code
The Chorafas Classification/Identification System for Supply Chain Requirements
Practical Implementations of the DCS Solution
Outsourcing Software Support and Management of the Vendor Relationship
Web-Based Solutions to Enterprise Management
Supply Chain Software and Enterprise Resource Planning
Outsourcing Has Become One of the Major IT Challenges
Policies in Outsourcing and Regulatory Issues
Auditing the Implementation, Operation and Maintenance of ERP Software
The Ongoing Change in the Practice of Auditing Information Technology
Auditing Supply Chain Solutions and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
Case Studies in Auditing a Company's Financial Statements and Other Reports
Auditing the Security/Protection Methodology and Providing Improvements

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