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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Teaching You Art Skills

ASIN: B000A6BBDE | Release Date: 1 Jan 2005 | Type: CD | 527.7MB

The equivalent to one year of art classes!
Do you aspire to be the next Cezanne, Van Gogh or Renoir? Whether you want to make the most of your existing artistic flair, or just dabble in the arts, Teaching-you Art Skills is ideal. For both beginners and advanced artists, this complete drawing course will help you to master those essential techniques and tap into your creative talents.
Using a proven educational method, learn about 5 classic art genres; portrait, still life, landscape, life drawing and nude studies using the 40 models, 650 narrated steps and 1200 drawings available. Each model is presented in a step-by-step format with helpful commentary available at all times it’s the easy way to teach yourself art! View each step in detail using the zoom feature, learn to criticise your own drawings and correct mistakes.
Please note that this CD-ROM contains images of nudity.


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